Jun 4, 2010

Blood:Water Mission, Venture Expeditions, Ride Well

I fell in love again.

Recently, I came across the Ride Well campaign. They're working together with Venture Expeditions, which I love and envision hiking with someday, and the Blood:Water Mission, founded by Jars of Clay, which strives to provide water and HIV/Aids help to Africa (clean blood & clean water). One of their claims is "to build community through creative social action." I love that. And Venture Expeditions is founded on this:
"The adventurous and extreme nature of our trips facilitates intense faith-forming and life-shaping experiences. Team members are challenged to identify with Christ's sacrifice, compassion, courage and character. Venture Expeditions believes that God is. Our program centers around discovering that God at work in the world and in us...."

The Ride Well program has been in effect for a couple of years now, raising money to help provide clean water projects, clinics and educational opportunities for those in Africa. This year, the last leg of the Ride Well itinerary will go from Atlanta to Myrtle Beach. That means, my dear map-challenged friend, that they'll pass by "just down the road apiece" on the last week of July and I will be there to cheer them on. To keep up with their endeavors, read the 2010 Trip Blog here. Riders' blogs: Karl Feller, Heather MacLeod, Ty Ridgway, Melissa Foss, Anne Jackson, Erin White, Demetrius Burns, Crystal White.
Ride Well is now planning the 2011 Tour.
  • If you'd like to ride, click here.
  • If you'd like to donate, click here.

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